The excitement and anticipation seem to be increasing every passing day in the life of Vinod Anantoju at present. After all, the filmmaker, with his Telugu-comedy film Middle Class Melodies, that will stream on Amazon Prime Video from November 20, is making his directorial debut. Starring Anand Deverakonda and Varsha Bollamma as leads, the movie is a light-hearted laughter ride that shares an outside perspective on the ups and downs of middle-class life. Vinod doesn't seem to be the only one to be excited as the trailer of the film seems to be a rage on the internet, it has garnered a resounding 12 million views since its launch and earning raving reviews from critics and members of the film fraternity.
Ahead of the much-awaited release of this film, the directorial debutante Vinod talks about the film's title. He shares, `We thought of taking some real instances of a standard middle-class life and make a movie out of it. Almost all the tracks in the film have real-life references. I believe life, in general, is a melody, especially the middle-class life, which I grew up in. It has its ups and downs. The movie also tends to treat these small ups and downs like a melody. We do not go too much into the problems or the characters, and instead, just view them from an outsider's perspective. So that makes them a little humorous. Hence the name 'Middle Class Melodies'.`
Further adding about the essence of the film, he mentions, `I also want to underline that this movie is not solely about Raghava and his brother. While he is the protagonist and the main thread in the movie, the film is also about all the middle-class people who are around him and the world that he lives in. I want to underline the middle-class world and small-town life. That's the reason I intentionally chose the title as 'Middle Class Melodies', instead of putting something related to Raghava or 'Bombay Chutney'. We opted for 'Middle Class Melodies', because that is the character of the movie.`
Produced by Bhavya Creations, Middle Class Melodies is a directorial debut of Vinod Anantoju, and stars Anand Deverakonda and Varsha Bollamma in lead roles. Prime members in Indian and across 200 countries and territories can stream Middle Class Melodies starting November 20, 2020 exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.
Thursday, November 19, 2020 11:45 IST